New Pics Added…

Ok I added some new pics. Nope, I still don’t have a digi cam. I just uploaded some crappy ones taken with my crappy web-cam. New pics added in “Hacker,” and new Pic Category’s added, “Misc-Stuff,” & “Cousins.”

In Misc-Stuff check out my Superman/supergirl shows. They ain’t that clean no more… but anyways. And my St. Christopher’s Medal I wear.

In Hacker added new pics of Hacker, my cat. Hopefully soon I’ll get some good pics of her, so you can see how she hasn’t grown that much, in my opinion though.

Well got to go, I’ll blog again tomorrow….well I plan to blog tomorrow. Right now I’m worried bout my dog. He’s missing, and he’s a pure bread Mini Pincher. I have two, that are brothers. If one ever dies, or goes missing the other will most likely get sick and die, from missing them.

And my stupid shit head sister is GONE YET AGAIN!!!! Damn I cant wait for her to get gone!