What am I doing now…

I’m sitting at work, online writing this post. Work wise it’s real slow right now, sometimes I’m ready to nod off to sleep. It doesn’t help that I am not a day person, and the fact I have trouble sleeping at night. I’ve been working 8 and 1/2 hour days, and for the next 2 weeks down to 6 1/2 hours. I’m actually getting off work before the sun is down! I’m sort of anxious for my fall classes to start. Marine Bio, Gender and Society, Photo 2 (black and white film photography), and Portrait Photography (Digital). I heard Marine Bio was not that hard, then I heard it was A LOT of reading… and it’s a online class. Pray for me. Gender and Society sounded interesting, (though so did Women and Film but that was a total bust). I also go back to working 4 hrs a day or so. Yeah a lot less money, but hell money ain’t everything… it’s something… but not everything. Though it’s nice to get more money on pay day to pay off the nasty credit card, other then that… I don’t need much right now. Want… yes, need… no. Well that’s not true, I do need for school, books, equipment, (photo classes ain’t cheap), etc. So yeah Want a lot, NEED some.

If anyone read’s this, comment sometime…

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