So even before the new 90210 started up, I had been watching the original on Soap. I saw it in it’s first run but I was like between 9-11 I think, so a lot has been forgotten. So watching it all over again is fun. What I have been realizing that I did not remember from the first go-around: Kelly Taylor! BIGGEST BITCH and WORST CHARACTER EVER on the original. I know wonder how the hell Brenda got the bad wrap. I mean let’s take a look here:


1. -Uprooted from a whole other world compated to BH.

2. -Fell for not so bad boy Dylan Mckay.

3. -Had to fight her parents to stay with Dylan.

4. -Did all she could to help Dylan and her friends when needed.

5. -Had her boyfriend and love of her life stolen by Kelly Taylor, who was supposed to be her best friend.


1. -School slut because everyone said she was, so she decided ok.

2. -Stole her so-called BFF’s love of her life.

3. -Cheated with the boyfriend she stole, with said BFF’s brother.

4. -Got jealous when Dylan tried to move on with his not so long wife after leaving both Dylan and Brandon hanging.

5. -Ruined EVERY relationship Brandon ever had someway or another.

6. -Weasled her way and stole yet someone else’s boyfriend (stealing Brandon from Tracy)

7. -Tried to get a old friend kicked out of the house so she could move in, HELLO BITCH MUCH!

8. -Demanded Brandon get rid of anything that reminded him of an old girlfriend. Seriously she’s not his wife, she’s just his girlfriend AGAIN (at least at the point in the show I’m at now)

9. -Has a heartattack in true Bitch Kelly form because Brandon don’t care about what wallpaper she want’s in his room that she’s taking over and then demands some time away from each other.

Seriously how did Brenda get the bad wrap? Bullshit I.M.O. Kelly Taylor, bitch.

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