Fused Writing

Ok I moved my fic site, from its old addy to:


I have started a Duke/Smallville Crossover fic, after starting to watch Dukes of Hazzard. But not crossover as in for example having Bo from Dukes and Jonathan from Smallville (Both played by Jonathan Schneider), in the fic, BUT in the sense that in my fic, Bo IS Jonathan vice versa. First fic of its kind. Hope you check it out. I got 2 chapters up so far.

As well as my other fics I’ve got up there.

I messed up my site the other night, took me a while to fix it. Freaked me out, thought, even though they arent anything special, that I lost all my entries. Fortunatley I did. Thank god for MySQL FIX option.Though no clue how it got whacked out to start off wth. What I messed up had nothing to do with MySQL. But whatever.

I still got things to add to this site. As well as adding to my Fic site as I write. ALSO setting up my wallpapers/banners/avatars site whenever I get the chance.

If anyone has any idea why my iframe is getting lagged when scrolling due to having a transperant background please let me know. So I can fix it. I dont know why its doing it, but it is lagging. So you have to use the scrollbar to scroll down when it gets stuck.

New song I got on repeat at the moment is Rob Thomas – “Dont Want To Be Lonley No More.”

I really really want to play Sims 2!!!! SO BAD!!! Anyone have a graphics card 32-64mb with T&L Capability that would work with a 250 watt supply, Direct X9.0 compatible, that they dont need? PLEASE I’LL TAKE IT!! Heh. I want to play it damn it!! I have the game, just not a card to play it.

Oh well. Tis all for now. Visit my Fic site please.