Batman Begins Movie

I am sick as hell still. Sore throat, ear ache, fever that comes and goes, but I still got my ass out to the movies, to see the new Batman Begins.

Now, I’ve said it here, and on message boards I go to, I did not like the casting. And who they had got for Bruce Wayne/Batman. However once at the movies, and watching as it went on.

This is the best Batman movie EVER made. Not cheesy, not comedic like the other Bat’s movies made before. IT WAS HELL’A GOOD!

Don’t read more unless you seen it already!

Damn this was a good movie. To see how he trained, what he did to get to be the bat. To see him almost kill the man that killed his parents. To see him struggle with his fear, and anger. The costume was great. The car was killer! Gordon, “I have to get one of these.” Ha!

Scarecrow however was not scary at all. When Bats poisoned Krane, and he saw Bats as a real mutated batman, AWESOME.

The way he moved in the suit. The way everything was put together was great.

When he called the bats for backup, that entire seen was AMAZING.

I take all I said bad about this movie BACK.

At the end, the Batman signal, and Gordon telling him some nut is now leaving a calling card… turn it over.. its the Joker!!!! DUN! DUN! DUN! Sequal. Go see this movie.

I believe now, that Bats will decimate Superman. Superman has HORRIBLE casting. I said I didnt like Bats casting, but I’ve always said the new Superman movie has HORRIBLE HORRIBLE casting.

This movie was insanely good. Katie Holmes did a decent job.

I cant believe Wayne Manor burned down, and they blamed it on ‘drunken playboy millionare burns down home.’

Makes him look terrible. When he was just saving all those ignorant sell outs, fake friends from being burned and killed. But alas, that is the life of Bruce Wayne, tortured soul.

Cant have friends, cant have love.

Tis why Bats is my favorite superhero (I got a few second favorite superheroes). He’s just a man, no powers, nothing. Just him.

I am worried that opening on Wed instead of Fri, will hurt its Box Office Opening day Income.