New Layout

Ok well, for the first damn time ever, being as I dont have time to come up with a layout for this myself, I’ve used a template builder for Movabletype to make this up.

So the layout and style isnt mine. I did use the layout style to make some banners for some of the pages, to fit the layout. But not my design.

I’m gonna try and keep up with this blog again, been spending most of my time on my other sites, and now with school…

Which I got a paper due in a week, with no idea what to write yet… crap, I need to type up my sisters essay too…

Ok, I have new things listed, like To Do List, and Looking Foward To List. I still need to add some things… I think, not sure.

Well I’ll prolly keep this layout for a while, as I said, havent had time to make one, and I’ve got a freakin creative block.

I’m also gonna try and sort my entries into Categories, but that will take some time.

I’m tired, and cant think, its late/early and I still need to type up a freakin paper, and possibly write a chapter for my fic.