Golden Globes Pre-Thought’s ++++ (Heath Ledger) etc.

So its Golden Globe night. I’ll watch it after its over via my DVR (commercial skipping!). I was looking at a list of nominees nad of course Heath Ledger is nominated. I hope he wins, not because he has passed way but because his performance as the Joker was as brilliant as the Joker is insane.

Heath had been in many movies already, done a TV Show (Roar), but he had not been in a huge mega blockbuster, the Dark Knight was his coming out as a major movie blockbuster star. I’d seen him in 10 Thing’s I Hate About You first i believe, and was immediately drawn to his character, and when he started signing although not his best performance lol still it was adorable. When a Knight’s Tale came out after it was another great role and performance by Heath. I saw no wrong in the roles he did, and I loved every movie he was in. When I heard that he was cast as the Joker I was like WTF? Not because I thought he couldn’t do the part, but because it was so different than anything he had ever done before, but I knew if Heath wanted to he could do it. When the first images were released, and the trailers came out I knew Heath was going to be awesome. Heath Ledger’s joker is the first joker to EVER be scary, frightening. Jack Nicholson who? No one will ever top Heath’s performance, no one should ever try.

When I heard Heath was dead, I couldn’t believe it. He was on the verge of complete stardom and he had died. It seemed so unfair not only for him but his daughter. There was always a picture around of Heath with his daughter, he loved her so much and you could see that his face lit up when he was with her. That’s the worst thing about this, Matilda lost her daddy and Heath lost his daughter. I still have a picture of Heath as the Joker hanging up on my wall by my computer, that I had just put up a few weeks prior to his death, and I can’t bring myself to take it down. In one way I see the image as his last completed role, the role that would have made him the star he always was, but on another sad note it reminds me that he is gone and I like to forget that fact.

R.I.P. Heath, and good luck.

On another note, I wanted to talk about HBO’s nomination for Best T.V. Show for True Blood. Now I like a vampire show just like the next once Buffy fan, still in ANGEL withdrawel fan and I tried HARD to get into that show but it was ridiculous. The concept was good, but the acting in this is just so horrible., which I find so odd because some of the actors who seem the worst in this show are actors I’ve seen before, good actors. This should have never been nominated, but it was because I.M.O. it has HBO attached to it, same reason why The Sopranos one so many damn times, it was sickening. Don’t nominate a show just because what networks on. Most of the time the shows and people who should be nominated never are, and those who should not be are. I don;t take award shows into count much, most of the time they mean shit to me, but when they actually do something right it’s nice, and I hope they do something right tonight in regards to Heath and honor one of the best cinematic performances ever, as well as not awarding True Blood and those nominated for being in it, because although those in True Blood are good actors, their performances in the show, and the show itself are not award winning.

Blog you after the show!

2 thoughts on “Golden Globes Pre-Thought’s ++++ (Heath Ledger) etc.

  1. I just stopped by to visit because I had seen your ip on my poetry blog, and then I saw your posts about Heath and Matilda. It’s so sad about Heath Ledger. The man with the most amazing smile I have ever seen. He will smile no more other than in photos. He touched my life in many ways as I’m sure he did others. I understand the photo thing. I still have a picture of him up on my myspace page that I can’t seem to take down either. Keep in mind though that although Matilda’s daddy is not with her in body, I’m sure he will always be the angel on her shoulder.


  2. Jess says:

    Thank you for stopping by, and I’m sure your right, he’ll always be with her, but its just such a shame as you said, everyone’s lost the ability to see his smile, because you are right, his smile was so bright.

    I tried to visit your site but can’t seem to access it.

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