Category Archives: Technology/Software

Compaq and HP are RETARDS!

I had issues with my HD deleting space. Well they told me to follow some instructions they sent me to fix it right… WELL HELL NO!! It wiped out EVERYTHING on my computer. EVERYTHING that it came with, the restore funtion ALL GONE! Nothing left but a machine. Luckily I had a OS here on cd that I could install. Im so pissed. :angry:

Damn Comp!

Well prolly no new blog entry for a couple of days. My comps being bitchy, so I think Im gonna have to……….. FACTORY RESTORE!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck that Ill remember to save everything I need to save. And get to re-install everything right that I need to.

Smilies… grrr

2 days and a half… adding these damn smilies into my MT Tool Bar, and Comments, then adding the the B, I, and URL option in Comments too. So YOU people reading, COMMENT please… I spent time making it… use it…

Thx to Maddy, for helping me out with the comments.

Moving on, my cousin Cisco wants his hair like Rob Thomas… he’s a fool. Maybe I’ll get his pic up here, if I can find it. I think I lost it when my comp crashed thx to Crap XP.:angry:

Damn Microshit, and Bill Gates. Someone should run him into a gate.

You spend some 2G on a computer, then another few hundred on software… well some people do… :noc:

I started making videos, editing them with Sonic Foundry Video Factory 2, and then exporting them into .WMV files since my Vid Editor saves them into huge .avi files.

I also started making 3D images on my computer, that you can use 3D glassess to see them. Though I just started to, there not that great. I plan to read some more tutorials, and learn a better technique, then I’d like to get into 3d Graphics that move.

Right now I am :music: to Stabbing Westward – “What Do I Have To Do.”