Category Archives: Movies / Reviews



Ok so as the lights dimmed the theater got dark. Seriously there has never been a movie I’ve been in, where the audience is all quiet. It was odd. I will use my spoiler protection thing, so to see what I got to say about TDK click the show button.


The movie started with the bank robbery. The Joker was robbing the bank along with some of his clown posse. BUT you don’t know it cause he’s wearing a clown mask. Hell even the guys working with him don’t know it. It was insane. Batman’s first entrance wasn’t all that great this time, but his jump down onto the car that was driving off, AWESOME. The flight down the garage not as nice as the flight down the middle of the stairs in Batman Begins when the real bats follow. That scene was awesome. BUT the landing was great.

Rachel… didn’t like her in the first movie cause it was Katie Holmes… (I once liked her, like in that movie with James Marsden… but when she got with Psycho Tom… hell no). Second movie, still didn’t like her, even with a cast change.

Now it’s always been said that Jack Nicholson was the best Joker ever, maybe that was true THEN, but NOW its Heath Ledger. It will always be Heath Ledger, man I can’t believe he’s dead… so sad. Heath Ledger IMO stole the movie from Batman, from Christian Bale. He was just insane. He was creepy, scary, psycho. Jack’s was more comedic, but Heath brought a sinister evilness to the Joker. He made the Joker scary. Not major screaming scary, but scary because he’s so off his rocker. He made the Joker more human than cartoonish. People will be like, “Jack who?”.

We had a lot less Bruce Wayne Batman scenes I think. It’s weird and hard to explain, but it seemed like we got less screen time for batman. The first movie had more action, I mean it would take a lot to beat that roof top / cop car chase from the first movie. The semi being turned over was great though. The one thing that kept bugging me was that Bale seemed thinner in this movie, too thin, or at least his face seemed thinner. BUT the movie was great. The ending seemed a bit rushed to me but a lot of movies seem rushed at the end. I would love to see a 5hr Batman movie, or Harry Potter. Perhaps with a 15 minute intermission.

Now I knew Two Face was to appear but I didn’t think he’d have that much screen time. I thought they would leave him for the next movie, I guess not. I wonder after this kick ass performance by Heath, who could top it? No one.

I don’t know how they plan to do another movie. The Joker didn’t die in this movie, I didn’t like how they ended his role in this movie either… but obviously it was meant for the Joker to be in the next movie too, but without Heath, I can’t possibly imagine someone else. Hell I would rather they CGI the Joker and put him in the movie. I don’t care, as long as they got it right.

Yeah the movie isn’t all about Batman, but Heath owned the Joker in this movie. Hell when I heard Heath was cast as the Joker, I thought "he can’t play someone like that, I didn’t *see* that happening, BUT I knew he could act, and everything he did was good so I knew if he put all he had into it, he could do it. Whoever tries and step in the role next, has got little to no chance at making it. It pisses me off that Heath is dead. Because with this movie he would have finally gotten the props he deserved. He was great in all his movies. I remember the singing scene he did in 10 Things I Hate About You, and his curly hair in A Knights Tale, and his bookworm glasses in Brothers Grimm (I hated when they killed him in the movie, it was sad, but then he came back to life), it’s sad knowing he really is dead. I want to talk more about the movie itself, but I can’t get past Heath’s performance. It was good, real damn good, and I ain’t saying that just because he’s dead, he seriously aced the Joker. And the scenes at the hospital, his speech to Dent, awesome. His blowing up the Hospital, and then hitting the detonator cause it didn’t all go off, and then it did. GREAT. Him in the nurse wig and suit… hilarious AND CREEPY at the same time.




Originally uploaded by Jess using Flicker

Previews over! Movie now! -Jess

Dark Knight RIGHT NOW!

Ok I’m sitting in the theater,lights just started to dim! Woohoo!!!! -Jess

What? Does this really surprise you?


So Sunday (before I took the image of the dude or dudette that hit the cop car, scroll down to see that), I purchased my Dark Knight ticket. Sadly I can’t go to a midnight showing because I would have no one who was willing to give me a ride home @ 3am. Damn it. Most of the people I know don’t drive, and the ones that do don’t want to get up at that time. Unfair I know.

ANYWAYS, I opted for a 3:50pm showing. Not too early so I can sleep in (I work Mon-Thur and Fri is my sleep in day). At the same time its not too late where everyone would be out of work and wanting to see it too. Even though I plan to be there 2 hours ahead of time to check out Claire’s and go get some water and snacks @ Walmart.


(click pic for bigger version)

Another Dark Knight Post…

Yes I know I just posted one earlier but I just read this? man I really missed out.

Viral Campaign

That is cool, why cant they do that shit where I live, damn it, as well as what I posted below. *sigh*


Ok so this is yet ANOTER Batman : Dark Knight post. It?s my blog damn it and I can  post whatever I like? hell I don?t even know who if anyone reads this. The counter goes up slooowly, but someone has to be reading this? COMMENT!

Anyway’s back to the Dark Knight. I was reading articles online and saw this, they actually projected Batman?s logo like they do in the movie in New York and Chicago. That pisses me off. THERE IS NEVER SHIT LIKE THAT (movie promotions) done in Phoenix. Bastard movie companies damn it.

But anyway’s here is the video from the New York one. 8 days man, 8 days? if I could it be 7 and I?d go see a midnight showing, but a ride is an issue there so no midnight showing for me damn it.

Also I did not know, they made a online Gotham Times Newspaper that ties in to The Dark Knight. Freaking cool. I am a movie junkie, and things like this that tie into the movie are always ALWAYS a plus!

Check the issues out @ Gotham Times AND THEN AND OLNY THEN check out the third issue @ Ha Ha Ha Times.

AND as you probably have seen, I added a countdown timer to the upper right ? ?.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Countdown clock!

Finally home… and WANTED!

So I got home about midnight. Fucking tired as hell, BUT I had to go feed my puppies, all fucking 9 of them, and my cat? yep, that’s why I am always broke. THE I had to fix the layout on this blog, cause I messed it up the night before. NOW my thought’s on WANTED.  First some images, and then my thoughts:

First off I want to say, James McAvoy is not a damn newcomer. I read that somewhere online, can’t remember where, but he is not a newcomer. Someone need’s to check his IMDB page. I first saw him back when he was in "Children of Dune." Awesome movie. He’s done a lot, and has a lot more on the way.

I went to see this movie, not only because of the special effect’s, but because he was in it. I was disappointing that he did not have his accent. But oh well I got over it. His blue eyes are niiiice too.

But anyway’s don’t keep reading if you haven’t seen it. I’m warning you… seriously.  Just to be safe I installed a spoiler thing, click the bttn to show the spoiler.


So this movie starts off with us seeing Wesley Gibson. A no nothing accountant who hates his life. His best friend and co-worker is screwing his girlfriend and he does nothing about it. His boss is a bitch and is always pushing his button’s. He’s a anxiety wreck… or so he think’s. He goes from being broke, to having a shit load of money, given to him by the Fraternity. They teach him to be the best assassin he can be, and tell him this guy names Cross killed his father in cold blood.

Wesley finally makes his first kill, and wants to go after cross. After a bit he finally gets the ok to go after him. Sloan, the leader of the Fraternity lets him go after cross. As soon as Wesley leaves… Fox (Angelina Jolie) is given the order by Sloan (Morgan Freeman) to kill Wesley. Pretty fucked up.

So moving along, it turns out, right after this massive train accident Cross is holding Wesley’s hand trying to pull him up into the part of the train that’s leaning over about to fall off (a lot of it already did, filled with people) and Wesley shoots Cross as Cross is trying to tell him something. He still manages to pull up Wesley. That’s when we find out, as Cross is dying, HE IS WESLEY’S FATHER!!! TUN TUN TUN!!! Yeah, that’s what I said. Fucking bastards train him to be a killer, and make him kill his own father, WHO has always been watching him, protecting him, (who Wes had no idea was around).

Wesley then goes all fucking assassin on their asses! Using what? Guns of course, knives, fighting, AND RATS!! Yep, he ties small bombs to hundreds of rat’s. All times to go off at the same time.

I found out this movie is yet another Comic Book movie. I guess those damn Hollywood writers who fucked up a lot of our favorite show’s last season, can’t come up with their own shit anymore.

BUT ANYWAYS. I had been wanting to see this movie for a long time. I saw the first teaser trailer, shit probably beginning of this year, end of last. Where the car slides up and picks up Wesley. Sure some movies have that Matrix feel to them, but all in all this was a pretty damn good flick. We get action, drama, and comedy.

Go see it!



Wanted…, originally uploaded by typedink.

Fucking Awesome! Just got out of movies, hell of a good movie! Better review coming… -Jess

18 Days Until The Dark Knight!!!

I cannot wait until this movie comes out!! Ironically it’s not even because of Batman anymore. Yes of course that’s a huge part, but everyone will run to see this movie, to see Heath’s last performance. I still can’t believe he’s dead. All the best poster’s that have come out, have all been about him. It’s gonna be creepy, and sad to see this movie, but it will also be awesome. The only thing is I don’t like who they got to play Rachel, she look’s older then Bruce, and going from Katie Holmes (who they should have never gotten in the first place, to run out on the sequel, unprofessional, her husband probably didn’t let her), to who they have now, nope. They should have got a new comer that resembled Katie at least.


 dark_knight_ver4                                 the_dark_knight_outro_poster
