Category Archives: Rants

Strange Day

Today I had a strange day. My sister knocked on my door as I was trying to go back to sleep, from one of the numerous times someone had woken me up, and said that my dad said to get up, and dressed. We were going ot the store.

I went and told him, “but my mom’s not here.” My dad has never in his life that I can recall willingly gone shopping with us alone, without my mom. We went to the mall. Take it, I didnt get nothing, but my sisters each got a pair of shoes. One got some BBoots, and another got Phat Farm. Although I think they are both ugly, they still chose to get those, ignoring my suggestions to go with something nicer looking.

I didnt get anything cause what I do want I know I cant get. So I really dont care if I get anything at all. Im not a holiday person. I dont like holidays, especially Xmas, and Easter which Im sure Ive stated in one of my pasts blog entries.

I wrapped my nephew’s presents, and my niece’s presents today. Well ok, I tried to wrap, I did, but they look like crap… oh well, there gonna rip the paper anyways right?

I still havent gone to see Lord Of The Rings: The Return of The King. Hadnt had time, or money to go see it. I WANT TO SEE IT:redx::redx::redx:

My predictions for this movie is Arragon becomes King, Frodo Dies, and Sam ends up telling the tale of Frodo, you know the one they were joking about in the first movie? When Frodo said Sam would have his own story. Or if not Sam dies, and Frodo tells Sam’s story.

The fact that it was told that they would not show Seramon (sp?) in this ending piece pissed me off. Why not show it? Its already some 3 hrs, and 30min. Who cares if it runs 4hrs with the pieces in it. I SURE DONT.

Well, anyways, thats it for now. Wish my luck… cause I need all I can get.

Oh and if anyone out there reading this, gets a new Digi Cam for Xmas, I’ll be glad to take your old one off your hands 😀 .

:music: to: “Bye Bye Boyfreind” – Fefe Dobson

Same old tale…

Well I’ve been meaning to blog, for those of you who actually read… but dont comment… hint, hint…

Same old tale for me though. In the last week, my moronic idiote of a sister has left about 3 times. Once for 2 days. My mom it looked like, was finally starting to not listen to my sister, but alas, seems like she still is.

She leaves, leaves her kids sick, and when she gets back, we’re not suppose to be mad (me and my sister, and my dad)? My mom gets mad at us, when we say anything about her. Its like whatever she wants, she gets. Who gives a rats ass about how we are, about our valid points that my sister is a stupid retarded idiot. Who cares that we all try and calm the kids down, when they are crying cause they want there mom, thought I dont see why they would want her.

I’m gonna have a heart attach cause of them. Shit my mom might have one cause of the ways he gets mad at us, cause we get mad at my sister when she does these stupid things. We’re not the ones doing the wrong here, yet it doesnt seem to matter.

I cant look at them without getting mad. I cant hear there faces without feeling sick from anger, and hate that I have towards them. I’ve even started to get my chest pains again, more often. Shit even as I write, my chest hurts. Just writing about it, I get them.

I’m getting physically sick, because of her, because she is from all I see, and know mentally sick, and just plain a dumb bitch.

I will most likley never get along with her again, ever. And I dont care. Everything she has done, and put us through, put me through, her kids through, I could care less. If it wasnt for my mom, I swear I dont know what I would have done to her by now.

But the moment she touches me when we argue, I will slam her on her ass so fast she wont know what day it is. We almost got into a fist fight, had my dad not stopped me, had I managed to open the door she was holding closed, that I was trying to push open. We were pushing the back gate door, and on the door there’s bolts that hold the wood onto the iron gate door. The ends stick out of the wood, and one of the bolts smashed into my arm as I pushed at it. It left the mark of the bolt, cause it went into my arm, and made this huge bump, that seems to be going down now though.

I feel trapped, and even though Im the only one who can free me, Im stuck.

Aside that, the holidays arent helping the way I am feeling right now. I helped my dad put lights up, but thats mainly just so the house dont look dead. Got to keep appearances up ya know…

Adding to my bad week!

Ok yesterday my retarded stupid sister with extreme issues pissed me off EXTREMLEY!! She has 3 kids, 5, 2, and 9 month old kids. She snuck out early in the morning and left…. not taking the kids, not telling anyone. Her dude then leaves around noon to look for her… which I think is bullshit. I think they both wanted to leave and ditch the kids for a day, so she left first, cause they couldnt both leave, leaving the kids alone cause everyone else was asleep. So he would have to, “go look for her.” BULLSHIT!!!

So all day, we had the 3 kids, and let me tell you, GRR!!! She shouldnt be leavin either cause her legal issues. She takes off, goes does who knows what, while the 5 yr old asks for her all day, “when’s my mom coming home?” The 2 year old has been a little devil latley, be it cause the, “terrible 2’s,” or what but man she’s been bad. So has the 5 yr old. He’s getting really bad too, cause she lets him do what he wants, just so she dont have to deal with him. And when she does yell at him, its cause her stupid ass wants to sleep all day. And the 9 month old I think is teething real bad.

Where is she at 11:30pm when she finally answered the cell phone? AT A DAMN FUCKIN CASINO!!!!!

Believe me, you’d understand alot more if I could say what her legal issues were, but I cant. Lets just say she did some shit she shouldnt have, cost my family alot, and is still costing us alot.

For the kids sake, I hope she does get locked up. She’s a stupid bitch. Just cause she went and got her dumb ass pregnate 3 times, dont make her a mom. She cant fuckin play mom when she wants, and not when she dont.

Do my parents tell her anything when she gets home at 4am in the morning? NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

I swear, she better stay out of my face. I cant even hear her voice, or look at her, cause I am disgusted. Ive made myself sick because of how much I HATE her with extreme passion. Despise, hate, cant stand, any way you want to put it.

I get sick, get my chest pains from stress, from how she does all this crap and my parents dont SAY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad dont say shit so my mom dont get mad, mom says nothing… why??? Fuck if I know. I dont care how many fights my dad and I get in because of her, but I am NOT keeping my mouth shut when this dumb shit head is doing this.

AND when you do tell her something, she goes crazy! Like she’s the innocent person and everyone is accusing her. HELLO!!! SHE IS NOT INNOCENT!!! SHE IS AT FAULT FOR EVERYTHING BAD IN THIS HOUSE THIS YEAR!!! AND proly ALL THE BAD TO COME NEXT YEAR!!!

Am I wrong? Should I not say shit, should I but out and let her do whatever the hell she wants? Fuck up, be a bitch, not take care of the kids right??

I dont know about you, but I sure as hell dont. Im not gonna let her walk all over everything like she is some damn pitty bitch, cause she got herself into trouble. I aint gonna pitty her, no way in hell. I HATE her.

Jokes… there are some you DONT make…

Right now this is gonna be just alot of bitching, and ranting. I wont say who I was talking to, or who done pissed me off, but I will say I am pissed.

Jokes… things ment to make us laugh, well they can be fun, and then there are things not to be joked about. The following are some not all, but some you DONT joke about… at least not with me.

Serious Illness
Dangerous Situations

Those are 3 major things you dont fuck around with. You dont say someone died when they havent, you dont say you have something that you dont, and you dont joke around being in, or getting into a dangerous thing.

Why? Cause its not funny, its not joke material. ITS WRONG, and really fucked up thing to do. So those who havent done this, DONT. Those who have… a point, a few points have been lost… cause its not funny. Not to me, not about that.

Im not a person to care about shit, I dont care about alot, and not about many others, and I dont like to be messed with, not like that.

Its not funny to think something bad has happened. I dont know about you, but thats not a joke to me.

And to fuckin top it off, I HAVE NO MORE CAMERA!!!!! It broke!!! Im pissed off.

Back Up

Well Im back up, not done much lately worth telling. Fighting with my sister, and my parents cause of my stupid sister. Her court day is soon, so I’m trying to calm myself til then.

Meanwhile her kids… are driving me insane. Those of you who know me, already know I get hardly any sleep. The sleep I do get, the kids are screwing up for me, with there damn yelling, and screaming, crying, and what not.

Or my sister, and her dude, which I am getting sick and tired of listening to. I already went through her and one of her dudes fighting all the time, literally, I’m not about ready to doing it again. Constant arguing, fighting, and once her ex-dude did hit me once, but only once, damn stupid fuck, gave him 2 black eyes, and kicked him in the balls.

He just lightly slapped me on the face that one time he hit me, but I sure as hell didn’t just lightly hit him. Plus my cousin threatened him, if he ever touched me, he’d regret it.

Though I dont think her dude she has now would hit me, or any of my other sisters, or my sister that he is with. But if push comes to shove, I wont hesitate.

Lets see, its 1am right now, see if this blog posts the damn right time after I hit save. I have the time setting right, it just seems to be off still though.

Mom had a jacket, and hat on layway for my niece that I picked out, managed to get my damn camera on long enough to take a pic of her in it. Dont she look cute? Though the thing undder the jacket is her pajama, so doesnt look that great with her jacket. Take a look:

Sometimes she makes this face, and she looks like the actress that played Helena (Huntress), on Birds Of Prey. Her mom says no, but I think so, sometimes.