Category Archives: Website


Why havent I been working on this site? I’ve been working on 2 other sites. My Fic Site, and my Fan site, and my NEW MESSAGE BOARD! The old one I will trash this weekend. New board is a IPB, instead of a PHPBB2. Easier set up and better template adn subtemplates settings.

So please join HERE!

I’ll work on this site soon enough. Promise…

Fused Writing

Ok I moved my fic site, from its old addy to:

I have started a Duke/Smallville Crossover fic, after starting to watch Dukes of Hazzard. But not crossover as in for example having Bo from Dukes and Jonathan from Smallville (Both played by Jonathan Schneider), in the fic, BUT in the sense that in my fic, Bo IS Jonathan vice versa. First fic of its kind. Hope you check it out. I got 2 chapters up so far.

As well as my other fics I’ve got up there.

I messed up my site the other night, took me a while to fix it. Freaked me out, thought, even though they arent anything special, that I lost all my entries. Fortunatley I did. Thank god for MySQL FIX option.Though no clue how it got whacked out to start off wth. What I messed up had nothing to do with MySQL. But whatever.

I still got things to add to this site. As well as adding to my Fic site as I write. ALSO setting up my wallpapers/banners/avatars site whenever I get the chance.

If anyone has any idea why my iframe is getting lagged when scrolling due to having a transperant background please let me know. So I can fix it. I dont know why its doing it, but it is lagging. So you have to use the scrollbar to scroll down when it gets stuck.

New song I got on repeat at the moment is Rob Thomas – “Dont Want To Be Lonley No More.”

I really really want to play Sims 2!!!! SO BAD!!! Anyone have a graphics card 32-64mb with T&L Capability that would work with a 250 watt supply, Direct X9.0 compatible, that they dont need? PLEASE I’LL TAKE IT!! Heh. I want to play it damn it!! I have the game, just not a card to play it.

Oh well. Tis all for now. Visit my Fic site please.

My Counter

So not sure how long counters been messed up. ANyone remember the last time they were here? What the counter was at. Let me know.

Wrist hurts like hell right now, so not gonna type nothing more til later.

Board Up

Board is now back up… since a few hrs after I posted the Board down… since I’m sick, hadnt reposted that it was all fine now.

It is… so visit.

So til I am not sick, and have something to say…. I leave you with ” :lipsrsealed: “

Board Down

Incase your a visitor from the site, the board is down for a bit due to a server move. Should be up soon. Sorry ’bout that.


Ive been trying to install this for days.


I cant get it to work. Says my tmp dir in is not writable but it is.

HELP! Contact me using the contact form over on your left. If your not seeing links on the left under the pic, your probably not viewing the site right. Go to the main url


Just freakin great..

After redoing my not even a month old board for the third time… I had just set it how I wanted it, had just sent out a mass email that it was all done, and re-opened…. that I did something and freakin messed it all up!!!

Like I needed that… I hope it can be fixed, but I doubt it… I think I’m gonna have to go for a forth time on doing this….

Sorry all!

I’m sitting here, dying of sleep… I got to be up in a few hrs even though I aint slept yet… and I hurt my back yesterday… hurts like hell…. feel like hell… damn it.

Flash Jukebox

Ok, I added where the music controls where for one song, a flash jukebox with a nice amount of songs. Depending on how it goes bandwidth wise, I might add more.

Not much to say other then I am sick… yes, again.

Going on 3 days now. Really irritating that I’m the one always getting sick.

Got my Smallville Comic #9 today. I was disappointed though. I thought it would be a better storyline, but the Clark/Lex point of views were cool. But also a cop-out in my opinion for not having to write another story for the comic. Since they use most of one for both.

Michael Rosenbaum has a new movie by Wes Craven coming out in October called ‘Cursed,’ and a Animated movie out not sure when, called “Racing Striped.’

Justice League now titled Justice League Unlimited starts the 31st which I can’t wait. Been waaay too long without any JL.

Ok…. right now I think I’m gonna go take some meds… I feel like crap.

New Layout! v.14

Ok, yep, here it is, finally. New layout, v.14 ‘computing.’ Based on two Visual Theme’s I like to use on my comp.

Many delays happened, things I had to do, or couldn’t do, came up, or this would have been up a long time ago. Hopefully it pleases.

Added the tagboard again, down on the bottom right.

There are still some sections that arent up yet, that I still need to work on. The gallery is new, and I really like it, check it out.

Well thats it, I’m tired, and need some sleep. Again hopefully some people like this layout…