Update on Site, Harry Potter 3, MT 3.0

Ok, update here. I am making a new layout. More simple, hopefully better then this one right now. HOWEVER I have been trying to get this MEOW plugin for Movabletype (my comments on MT 3.0 after this). Where I can post through email. With help from the creator of the plugin Harsh Busa, which I thank very much. But so far, havent gotten it to work. Still trying though….also now I got to fix my MT login cause I changed the stylesheet, but didnt keep a copy of the original. Now its all messed up with the colors. I thought it was the stylesheet for something else.

Ok, as for Harry Potter 3 ‘The Prisoner of Azkaban,’ I saw it on the 4th when it came out. By far the best of the 3 movies so far. It was nice to see them in regular clothes more often, and to see different scenery other then the inside of Hogwarts.

Hermoine though, in one scene seemed way OOC for me, (out of character). PMS I guess, but yeah, she seemed a bit moody.

Draco was also weird in this one… seemed more whiney, then asshole. Didnt like his hair though…hopefully he goes back to coming it slick back.

Hagrid as a teacher was funny, especially at the begining when they are all at the table.

I also liked that they showed a magical creature. I hope they show more.

I think that in the end Harry Potter will die… just got that feeling of it…though I thought Frodo would die, and he didnt, so maybe neither will Harry, but that is just what I think.

I found it odd that after Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ginny didnt even speak…he saved her from a freakin huge snake, and kept her from dying… and they didnt talk once?

I think Ron and Hermoine will be more then friends later on. Which would be hilarious cause they bicker like a married couple already.

Ok, not for Movable Type 3.0….

Moving to paid…was ridiculous after stating themselves, that 3.0 would be free. Yeah, yeah they got a free version, but you can only have 3 blogs, and 1 author. Their pricing was ridiculous. Seem like they want to be rich off this lol. They have lost what they once had from its users. ‘Loyalty.’

They copped out, charing 700 for 13 blogs and some # of authors. Everyone will just keep what they have now, or if they updated as the beta testers did…little did they know they would be cut down to restrictions. So for trying to help test the beta…Six Apart as they are now calling themselves screwed them over.

They are lucky if they sell 6…

Pish, I will be keeping my 2.64. version. I only had one author, me, and one blog this one, but now, just cause they put restrictions on there new crap version, I will be making more, and getting authors for some sort of community blog.