Electric Shock…shocked the hell out of me…

OH MAN. I almost fried myself!!!

Got out of the movies (saw Stepford Wives, real freakin funny!), about midnight, lil past midnight, went to pick kids up, came home. I was hungry, hadn’t eaten since the morning. Went to the freezer we got in the garage, found some frozen chicken nuggets…(I know, they don’t compare to McDonalds..*sigh*), anyways, put some in the oven on a thing, turned it on….

When I went to check them, I got this metal fork, pulled the pan out, was about to take it out to flip them, when BOOM! ZAP!

Geez… I jumped back. The entire inside of the oven was blue and orange lights of electricity… SHIT!

I dont know what happened, it short circuited all of a sudden… I knew I should have put the brownies I was gonna make in there too damn it…oh well…. left the nuggets in there to finish cooking with the heat… but damn… that was cool! Would have been cool to get a pic with all the electricity zapping in there…it started on fire, but went out on its own… all that in just a minute or 2.

No clue why it shorted out…but now.. I think we’re gonna need a new oven… which sux cause we’re not exactly making the dough at the moment…

I don’t think I was zapped, didn’t feel nothing, but my right arm feels odd… maybe I did, but didnt feel it?

Anyone wanna donate a oven? lol…