Home Depot

I went to Home Depot today, and as I was walking down an isle, you know how they sometimes put think tubes in the aisles standing up, and put like brooms, or rakes, or something like that in them? Most of the time the tubes are tied to the shelf columns, but this one wasn’t. It was thick in width, and the tube itself was thing. Damn thing fell, and hit the back of my foot. Scraped it, and made it bleed, burn, and grow into a bump. Man, although it was a plastic tube, damn thing cut me, and hurt like a bitch.

On another note, my cat really liked to watch TV. I put animal planet, she was watching laying on top of me so I could pet her, and she watched TV. After a while she jumped off, and ran to sit in front of the TV as they were showing America’s Funniest Animals.

She tried jumping up to the TV to get a closer look.

She’s such a nerd. I hope she grows more, she’s still real small for her age I think.