Lack of sleep…

Lack of sleep… yet again, always the same. Not like I ain’t use to it, but lately I haven’t been sleeping right. My sisters kids dont let me sleep. Not at night, not in the day, not in the afternoon, not any time!!!

At night the baby bangs on the wall. The 2 year old likes to scream and yell all night ’cause she doesn’t want to go to sleep. The 5 year old the same as the 2 year old, but goes to sleep faster then the 2 year old. In the day they are all screaming. The 5 year old goes to school from Noon – 2:30, but he’s here in the day. In the afternoon there’s no way in hell I can take a nap. In the evening I usually don’t want to sleep, but even if I try to sleep around 7pm or something, to take a nap, I still cant cause the kids.

AND THEN when its not the kids… which is rare that its not, its my cat!!! Or a lot of times its the kids, AND the cat.

I’m getting frustrated more then I usually am.

I still haven’t been able to figure out how to add a avatar to my posts on here.

I also got some bill problems as well. I still cant get a damn job either. I think the fact I didn’t go to High School affected me in certain social skills you learn in High School. I got my GED though.

I want to go to college, but I am so scared, confused, and don’t know what to do.

I feel like screaming. I want to go somewhere away from everyone, and just yell until I get tired. Scream, yell, cry all I want until I get tired and fall asleep.