Dear dad… (email forward I recieved)

Now I do not pay much attention to forwards in my inbox because I just don’t got time to look at many forwards etc. Why I opened this one up I don’t know but once I read it I was glad I did. I wanted to pass this along to others so they can enjoy it as I did.

A father passing by his son’s bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an Envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to ‘Dad.’ With the worst premonition he opened the envelope with trembling hands and read the letter.

Dear Dad:

It is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing you.

I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mom and you.

I have been finding real passion with Stacy and she is so nice.

But I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes and the fact that she is much older than I am.

But it’ s not only the passion… Dad she’s pregnant.

Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter.

We share a dream of having many more children. Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn’t really hurt anyone.

We’ll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with the other people that live nearby for cocaine and ecstasy.

In the meantime we will pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Stacy can get better. She deserves it.

Don’t worry Dad. I’m 15 and I know how to take care of myself.

Someday I’m sure that we will be back to visit so that you can get to know your grandchildren.

Love, Your Son John

PS. Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Tommy’s house.

I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that’s in my center desk drawer.

I love you. Call me when it’s safe to come home.


So those lucky thousands who go to go to the San Diego Comicon that I would like to go to one day were not only lucky enough to see a Smallville panel WITH John Schneider returning as Jonathan Kent, and of course Tom Welling, but they also saw this!!!!

The fact that this is indeed the last season is sad, I have watched this show for the last 10 years and to see the final season is gonna be great and sad at the same time because once this is over, thats it. Can’t wait for it to start though!

Oh and I got an interview for a job today… hope I get it. Hope that I like it if I get it.

Eminem ft. Rhianna – Love the way you lie

This song would be one of my fav’s if Rhianna was not in it, since she is in it it brings the quality down for me. Yep I am not a Rhianna fan.

Odd isn’t it…

If your unlucky enough to lose someone to brain cancer you tell yourself that nothing like that could happen again. How could you personally know another person in your life time to fall to that illness. Well this week I found out that anything is possible. My grandmother died from brain cancer some years ago, this week a aunt of mine on my grandmothers side died, although before you think it had something to do with genes and hereditary no it did not, my aunt was my aunt by marriage. What a small world right.


Hmm… yeah thats pretty much sums up my life at the moment, that in *sigh*. I am still job hunting… good new is I’ll have my current job until Aug. 20th. The bad new is as of right now, I wont have one after Aug. 20th. On a side note, my room is probably cleaner than it has been in a long time, heh. Still got to much clutter in it, but its clean clutter at least.

What have I been doing?

Lets see what have I been doing lately? Hmm? Obviously still looking for a job, its getting dangerously close to the day that my current job will end and its too close for my liking, if I had another job already lined up then fine… but I do not. I’ve missed out on one great job due to the fact I will have Mon and Wed classes, so I can’t work those days, and I can’t change my schedule, not again. I will be done with my AA by the end of May, so I’ll graduate May 2011. I am 5 classes away from graduating, I am not going to loose all the work I put into my classes because some employer will not work with me, there has to be an employer somewhere out there that still holds the value of education to a high standard. I’m willing to work every other day aside from Mon and Wed. Why can’t I work after or before classes on those days? Well the classes fall in between when shifts will be almost over or already have started. Why they must have everyone start at the same time or none at all is beyond me. I have 3 years experience dealing with people in a customer service environment. I have a heavy knowledge of computers, and provide a level of technical support to people in my current job and even to friends and family. I have experience handling cash registers, answering phones, and all that comes with working in a office type environment. WHY can’t I get hired somewhere?


Anyways, aside from that drama my goal this week is to clean my room, its in serious need of cleaning and not just cleaning but de-cluttering… I don’t like to throw things away because as I am about to toss whatever in the trash I wonder and think to myself, “wait should I throw this away? What if I need it later,” which I probably won’t if I’ve not used it in years except at the time I don’t tell myself that. Why the sudden need to get it clean and sorted out in a week’s time? Well due to loss of jobs in my household we’re having to give up Dish… *sigh*. It’s just too expensive for what they give us. We’re having to go with Cox, we had them years ago but it was before digital, this time we’ll have digital… wait we did try digital for about a month and it was awful, choppy TV signal etc., however that was when they were first going digital so I am hoping that they have upgraded and made fixes to their systems so that choppiness will not be an issue.

Ok back on the reason why a week? Well in a week the Cox person will come out and hook us up, and that means they will have to come into my room, I don’t want them to see my mess lol. So yeah that is what I am doing, and will be doing for the next week, and of course look for a job and stress that I’ve not found one. Yep, looks like its gonna be a great week… not.

WTF Moments…

WTF moment #1: I do not own a iPhone and never will, Apple is horrible… yes I have an ipod but when I got it, they were pretty much the only thing around… did the iPhone look cool when it came out? Yes… but they went to the worst cell provider… now they have released their 4th Gen iPhone and IT SUCKS. Loses reception and drops calls… a lot. What was Steve Jobs reply to this? “Your holding it wrong.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Either learn to hold your phone differently then you might have all your life… or pay for a $29 plus tax rubber bumper cover… why should people have to pay extra to fix an issue Apple must have known about before it released the phone… Steve Jobs… are your kidding me?? Own up and fix this out of your pocket. This is why I will only own Android powered phones from here on out.

WTF moment #2: The idiot formerly knows as who gives a crap and is back to the crap name he gave himself, Prince, says “the internet is so over.” That remark shows you are so over.

The Last Airbender

Ok this movie was ok, it was just I don’t know a little slow. I don’t think this movie was casted right at all except for Katara. I’ve seen some of the cartoons but not much of them. What annoyed me the most was the change in pronunciation of their names.


Aang is pronounced with a long A sound in the cartoon, here it was the short A sound… it was annoying. Sokka in the cartoon is pronounced with the O sounding like a short A and in the movie it was pronounced with a long O sound. That was probably about the biggest issue I had with this movie, I mean yeah the casting was not what it should have been, the kid playing Aang was too serious and I know in the cartoon he is not but I could let that pass, but the change in pronunciation was a terrible idea.

Eclipse (SPOILERS)

I saw Eclipse this week and I have to say that it is the best of the 3 movies so far. Jacob still doesn’t know that NO MEANS NO! He is still a cry baby too. Edward’s patience has grown, he shows that in the mountain storm scene…


What I liked:Show Spoiler ▼

What I didn’t like:Show Spoiler ▼

Can’t wait for the next movie, although I do wonder what will happen with Charlie, feel bad for him… Bella’s all he’s got…